Well I'm not going to lie, it's been a challenging few days. I've still been managing to walk and do yoga daily, but it has been a Herculean endeavour at times. The steroids, whilst doing an incredible job of reducing the swelling on my brain, are doing the opposite everywhere else. My face has swollen up to create incredible hamster cheeks that are so puffy that my eyes have shrunk and my face feels on the verge of bursting. My knees are mostly on fire, generally in the morning, but easing off throughout the day, and my chest is painful periodically. But I'm seeing my amazing oncology surgeon on Tuesday, the incredibly talented and highly regarded, Ms Albanese, so all being well, I can reduce the steroids before the radiotherapy begins. My tips? Try to persevere with the exercise; don't be so vain about the bloat (I am WAY too shallow) and try some herbal tablets - I'm giving an Indian treatment a go, so I'll let you know how I get on.
Me, this morning |
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