Thursday, 29 September 2016


Since I had my incredible news a couple of months ago (although I still had secondary cancer, I was no longer classed as 'terminal') I was added back into the mammogram cycle by my local hospital. For those who haven't experienced the joys of a mammogram, here's what happens.

1. You have to not wear deodorant
2. You have to undress to the waist, so wear a separate top and bottoms for ease (a onesie would be a bit of a problem)
3. A lovely nurse puts your breast into a machine that closes downwards onto it (see below)
4. It hurts...a lot, but only for about fifteen seconds
5. Then your next breast goes through the same procedure
6. Then you go through the same procedure for a sideways view of the breast
7. You're done in ten minutes...max
8. You try to peek at the screen but the nurse is wise to that game and you are advised that you will be told your results by post in six weeks
9. That's it really
10. The most challenging part is finding somewhere to park in the hospital car park

Mammogram machines: not to be mistaken for juicers

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