Life after breast cancer means returning to some familiar things and also making some new choices.
The song says "It ain't over 'til it's over," but when you've had breast cancer, you discover that it's not even over when it's over.
After a marathon of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment that may last six months to a year, you can hardly wait to get back to a normal life again (what is normal?)
But the day of your last treatment or chemotherapy infusion doesn't mark the end of your journey with breast cancer. Friends and family may expect you to get back to 'normal' now that your treatment is over.
Instead, you're about to embark on another leg of the trip. This one is all about adjusting to life as a breast cancer survivor. In many ways, it will be a lot like the life you had before, but in other ways, it will be very different. This is now your "new normal."
Everything changes,from your relationships with your family and your spouse/partner to eating habits and exercise. It will change your life in ways that last well after treatment ends. How do you fight lingering fatigue?
What should you eat to help prevent a recurrence?
These are just a few of the questions that may nag at you as you make the transition from treatment to a survivor.
Almost 11 mths post chemo, my hair has really started to grow back. It's curly where it once was straight but it's hair. I have eyebrows and eyelashes again. So why am I still so tired? When will I really feel like me again?
You've been hit while you're down so many times: with surgery and anesthesia, perhaps with multiple cycles of chemotherapy, perhaps with radiation, ever likely it takes a long time to fully recover.
Luckily, I've done a lot of research and found that my constant forgetfulness, lack of concentration and general tiredness are all classic symptoms of someone who has had chemotherapy. How long the symptoms are going to last is anyone's guess or is this my 'new normal'.


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